2023 年 7 月 17 日

Silicone Printing with various inks

The modified layer of Compo-SiL® provides the surface for digital printing using standard compatible inks. Using existing equipment, manufacturers can digitally print on the layer without the need for modification of their production processes. If appropriate, the printed side of the Compo-SiL® silicone rubber is used in roll-to-roll production to achieve textile binding and lamination using HMA adhesives.
2023 年 7 月 17 日

HMA laminate/adhesive for silicone

Achieving "adhesion for silicone rubber" with HMA is difficult due to silicone's low surface energy. Allowing HMA to act as an interlayer adhesive, the Compo-SiL® silicone rubber offers a deciding innovation for the HMA industry. HMA users can now take advantage not only two bind two dissimilar and lower surface energy material (silicone) but also getting various benefits that silicone rubber provides.
2023 年 7 月 17 日

PUR laminate/adhesive for silicone

Compo-SiL® has opened the door to bond Silicone Rubber with Existing PUR adhesive technology that will solve the adhesive failure between silicone and PUR adhesive with other substrates.
2023 年 7 月 17 日

Silicone Adhesion & Bonding

Compo-SiL® technology has been successful in enhancing the silicone adhesion problems by having an ultra-thin polyurathane modified layer above silicone that enhances the surface energy to 38 dynes/cm. Although there are other solutions available for silicone adhesion like plasma techniques and other silicone adhesives, however these are highly expensive and complex solutions which requires great precision, man power and may present environmental or safety issues.



